Ripple Revolution 2022
⚠️️with Sensitive Content 内含敏感内容⚠️️)
MA Design for Social Innovation and Sustainable Futures Graduate Final Project
Link→ Unversity of the Arts London Online Graduate Showcase
Link→ Unversity of the Arts London Online Graduate Showcase
Introducion 简介
An activist project designed to foster civic awareness among the politically oppressed.
It demonstrates how a Chinese citizen goes through a transition from accepting solely the propaganda and education provided by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to learning more historical information and awakening after breaching the Great Firewall.
Under the high-handed rule of the CCP regime, people often need to conceal or evade their true thoughts due to security considerations after awakening and feel powerless towards the status quo and various tragedies, which eventually lead to political depression.
As an interactive artwork, the audience can use the red paint spray bottle on the table to spray the two dictators and the party emblem to express their dissatisfaction and vent their emotions to relieve their political depression. Furthermore, red paint representing the blood and tears of the Chinese people dripped from the portraits of the two dictators and the party emblem and finally flowed into the box to show that the tragedies of the Communist Party and the dictatorship were covered up in the beautiful lies of political propaganda and information blockade.
This project is one of the many powerful ripples contributing to the revolution of our time, causing Chinese people at home and abroad to think and act for change.
It demonstrates how a Chinese citizen goes through a transition from accepting solely the propaganda and education provided by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to learning more historical information and awakening after breaching the Great Firewall.
Under the high-handed rule of the CCP regime, people often need to conceal or evade their true thoughts due to security considerations after awakening and feel powerless towards the status quo and various tragedies, which eventually lead to political depression.
As an interactive artwork, the audience can use the red paint spray bottle on the table to spray the two dictators and the party emblem to express their dissatisfaction and vent their emotions to relieve their political depression. Furthermore, red paint representing the blood and tears of the Chinese people dripped from the portraits of the two dictators and the party emblem and finally flowed into the box to show that the tragedies of the Communist Party and the dictatorship were covered up in the beautiful lies of political propaganda and information blockade.
This project is one of the many powerful ripples contributing to the revolution of our time, causing Chinese people at home and abroad to think and act for change.

Details 详细介绍
In the first part, the slogan on the box is political propaganda and brainwashing education within the walls (China) and has become the mantra and subconscious of most Chinese people. The second part is the Great Firewall that blocks access to the international network, like a cage that restricts the Chinese people's freedom of exploration of the world and forces those inside to sing the praises of the great leaders.
The audience can use the red paint spray bottle on the table to spray the two dictators and the party emblem to express their dissatisfaction and vent their emotions to relieve their political depression. Red paint representing the blood and tears of the Chinese people dripped from the portraits of the two dictators and the party emblem and finally flowed into the box to show that the tragedies of the Communist Party and the dictatorship were covered up in the beautiful lies of political propaganda and information blockade.
The audience can use the red paint spray bottle on the table to spray the two dictators and the party emblem to express their dissatisfaction and vent their emotions to relieve their political depression. Red paint representing the blood and tears of the Chinese people dripped from the portraits of the two dictators and the party emblem and finally flowed into the box to show that the tragedies of the Communist Party and the dictatorship were covered up in the beautiful lies of political propaganda and information blockade.

In the third part, there is chaotic and fragmented information available on the Internet and mass media outside the walls (China), in which the Chinese people can learn about China's history and current affairs that are hidden by the Communist government, but they need to actively search and develop their ability to discern it. A 3D print "Pillar of Shame", a monumental sculpture commemorating the Tananmen Massacre in 1989, is displayed here to make more Chinese people aware of and remember that tragedy.The actual object was once erected at the University of Hong Kong but will be demolished in 2022
第三部分,墙外(中国)的互联网和大众媒体上有混乱而零散的信息,中国人可以从这些信息中了解到被共产党政府掩盖的中国历史和时事,但他们需要主动搜索并培养自己的辨别能力。这里展示了3D打印的 "国殇之柱",这是一个纪念1989年天安门事件的代表性的雕塑,让更多的中国人了解和记住那场悲剧。实物曾竖立在香港大学但于2022年遭拆除。
第三部分,墙外(中国)的互联网和大众媒体上有混乱而零散的信息,中国人可以从这些信息中了解到被共产党政府掩盖的中国历史和时事,但他们需要主动搜索并培养自己的辨别能力。这里展示了3D打印的 "国殇之柱",这是一个纪念1989年天安门事件的代表性的雕塑,让更多的中国人了解和记住那场悲剧。实物曾竖立在香港大学但于2022年遭拆除。

The fourth section consisted of some poems of encouragement and a democratic wall of free expression, in the hope that it would inspire and influence more Chinese to exercise and defend their civil rights.
